Study Guide

You have access to all my study guides for courses taken in University of Illinois Chicago to help you excel.

Hello Friend,

I decided to publish the resources I use in graduate school. Unlike every other typical PhD student, I had a flaming start; switching from Computer Science to Biomedical Engineering required a lot of parallel study. However, I had fun all the way, still trying to have fun and so should you. Of course, I have removed every evidence of mid term questions or solutions in this guide but if you ever need any help you can always send a mail to: [email protected]. If I am available to help, I will guide but if I am not I can either refer you to someone that can or recommend some useful sideline materials.

In many occasions, you might not get a response from me. The only explanation to this is that my time has been consumed with research work - happens frequently.

  1. BIOE 455 - Introduction to Cell and Tissue Engineering by Dr. Eben Alsberg
  2. BIOE 580 - Bioinformatics II by Dr. Jie Liang